Central Primary School Nursery

Children learn more during the first five years than at any other time in their lives.  In the early years we are laying the foundations for the future through purposeful play activities

                                               : developing skills

                                               : acquiring knowledge and understanding

                                               : developing positive attitudes

Our general aim is to provide a complete education socially, emotionally and physically.  We aim to develop responsible and well prepared citizens for the future.  We must, therefore, provide a curriculum which is wide balanced and differentiated for the children in a lively, safe and happy atmosphere, emphasising the worth of each individual child.

· To provide an induction programme that enables children to come to school happily.

· To build a relationship with both children and parents through playgroup, information meetings and booklets, enabling children to settle well into Central Primary School.

· To help the children develop their social skills when interacting with others.

· To build on children’s existing skills in thinking and communication, enabling them to access the more formal school curriculum.

· To develop the children’s physical skill, so that they have increased control over their body movements.

· To develop the children’s aesthetic, moral and spiritual awareness so that they can begin to make judgements.

To enable the children to understand more about the world around them by exploring first hand features of both the natural and man-made world.