Nursery Rooms

Each room has been carefully planned and thought out to ensure the best learning environment for the children.  The rooms have been well resourced to allow for multi-sensory learning experiences.  The rooms offer the children a safe space to play, learn and engage with others.

For children to have rich and stimulating experiences, the learning environment should be well planned and well


The Nursery classrooms are organised into different areas.

These are :

Role play, Reading Area, Writing Area, Listening centre, Interactive whiteboard, math’s area, lets investigate, table top, small world, construction, music area, sand, water, playdoh, painting, cutting and make it area.

This layout is designed to encourage children to make choices and develop independence by having equipment and materials readily available and well organised.  The classroom layout also gives children the space they need for their activities, while encouraging them to initiate their own learning.

Children rotate around all areas, several times, throughout the week.  Throughout the week they get to work with every member of staff.   The children also have a weekly PE session and a write dance session.  They have access to outdoors at all times.