School Uniform

We are very proud of our school uniform and have firmly established the practise of total support for the uniform.

The Uniform

White polo shirt with school badge

Royal blue sweatshirt with school badge

Grey trousers/tracksuit bottoms / skirt, culottes, pinafore

Black sensible shoes

During the summer girls may wear a blue and white gingham dress.  The boys may wear grey short trousers.

During the course of the year, these items are available from ‘Bergoni’, online.

Physical Education (P.E)

Nursery have PE sessions on a Friday.  They should be dressed on this day in a plain white T-Shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and daps/trainers to be worn.

We ask parents to ensure that their child’s name is clearly and permanently marked on school clothes .

Please note, for Health and Safety reasons, no jewellery is to be worn during the school day.