Toucan Time is a small class designed to cater for the needs of pupils with additional learning needs. The children are identified in consultation with the ALNCO and Toucan Class Lead and using a child’s Individual Development Plan. We currently have a Toucan class on our infant and junior site with over 30 pupils that access it throughout the week. The sessions run during the afternoon and are delivered under the supervision of our HLTA, Mrs. N James.
All staff have been highly trained to deliver sessions through a total communication approach. They have received training in Signalong, Intensive Interaction, POPAT, PECs and Sensory Circuits. The sessions have no more than 10 children, and staff focus on specific outcomes with each child. Plans are created alongside speech therapists, Educational Psychologists and the ASD team and are then implemented by the Toucan Staff. The sessions are highly structured with a clear focus and offer interventions based at the child’s level of development. The sessions cater for sensory skills, social communication and language skills, early play skills, gross and fine motor skills and independent skills. The staff make detailed observations and notes on a daily basis that feed in to future targets and outcomes for each child.