
In Toucan, we use visuals as part of our total communication approach with all our toucan children. Using visual cards can be a supportive way to communicate for a child with speech and language communication needs. Visuals help to provide structure and routine whilst helping to build understanding and reduce anxiety.

Visual routine:

Using a simple visual routine allows a child to know what is happening and when. It can be used as a positive intervention to avoid frustrations whilst encouraging some independence. The visuals can be real objects, printed symbols and images.

We have a class visual time table and some of our children have individual timetables. We can use them daily or for a specific routine such as toileting or preparing for transitions or new experiences.

Now and next:

These are broken down visuals to help develop and understand a routine. They indicate with pictures what is happening ‘now’ and what will happen ‘next’. When using now and next visuals, it is a good idea to use visual warning in the form of sand timers to countdown to the transition change.  

We also use visual sand timers which support the children to know how long they have left of an activity or task.

Social stories:

Before children experience something new or somewhere new we prepare the children using a social story.  The story breaks down the new experience/place in to simple sentences supported by visual pictures.  The story is used over and over again leading up to a specific day.